All posts by Travis Fessler

Final Weekend of the Old West Festival

Another season has come, and almost gone. There have been some great times at the Old West Fest this year. We’ve shared the festival with 1800s style baseball, steampunks, and even introduced some new beers.

But all good things must come to an end, and we are at the final weekend October 17-18. This weekend is Halloween weekend, and kids under 12 in a costume get in for just $1.

Of course all the great vendors, cast, music, and shows will be playing all weekend.

There’s more information at the Facebook event page

See you all in Dodge City!


Old West Festival Steampunk Weekend!

This weekend, October 3-4, 2015, will be the Old West Festival‘s Steampunk Weekend.

The Pickled Brothers will be there performing Western Steampunk versions of their 2 circus comedy shows, along with all the regular Old West Festival acts.  Here is the entertainment schedule.

Bret Daly will be your host for Steampunk events.  There will be Nerf dueling and sharpshooting, and a costume contest.  Fiendish Wear Leather has graciously donated prizes.

Steampunk weekend also features a very special musical guest, Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire. Sir Reginald has over a million and a half views on his YouTube channel, and is famous for the very popular video for his song “Just Glue Some Gears on it (And Call it Steampunk)“.

Here is the schedule for the weekend:

11:00 Sharp shooting competition

1:00 Costume contest followed by steampunk costume contest

2:00 Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire

3:00 Nerf duel

4:00 Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire

Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire (I think a fellow named Inigo is looking for you)
Sir Reginald Pikedevant, Esquire (I think a fellow named Inigo is looking for you)

This along with all the great games, carriage rides, vendors, and food that the Old West Festival has every weekend until October 18th!

You can sign up with the Facebook Event Page and let us know you’re coming!

Final Weekend of Kentucky’s Highland Renaissance Festival!

Just one weekend remains for the 10th season of the Highland Renaissance Festival in Eminence, Kentucky. One more chance to come get a turkey leg, listen to some great music, watch knights on horseback joust, and of course see the Pickled Brothers Circus and their danger and comedy show.

July 4-5 is Celtic weekend with LIVE Celtic Music, activities, dancing and more!  We also have Tartanic bagpipe and drum band for the last weekend.

Make sure and stop and say hello to Travis, Susan, Erik, and Circe before you head out the gates one more time for 2015!


Kentucky’s Highland Renaissance Festival

It’s Summer in Kentucky, and that means it’s time once again for Kentucky’s Highland Renaissance Festival!

This year, the 6 Weekend long festival starts May 30th, and runs every Saturday and Sunday until July 5th.

Come and help us celebrate the festival’s 10th season!

You’ll see jousting, trained dog shows, historical music, magic, and of course, the Pickled Brothers Circus and all our death-defying stunts and comedy!

Tickets, and more information are available at the festival’s web site: